Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A little bit about me. As you can see I was ready to go way back in 1954 (the date on the license plate in the picture to the left.) Impatient, impetuous, inspired, are all terms that probably fit me like a well worn glove for most of my life.

I have returned to the scene of the crime, or crimes as the case may be and now am putting my globe trotting and adventuring on hold while I tend to the business of caring for my aging parents who after 3 years of my saying, "Do you need me to come?" finally said, yes we need you to come.

In the two years I have been back here I have discovered a vast number of lies I grew up with.. Some blatant, some suggested, some of omission... Like, eat your bread crusts it will curl your hair.. Little did they know I did not want curly hair.. But this made me think Mother liked the crusts of bread.. Which she now removes from her sandwiches before eating.

More shocking was that she used to tell me the best part of the baked potato was the skin, which she no longer eats.. and she denies memory that she ever said such a thing to me..

I digress. I have started this blog to tell the stories of my life and the stories of those in my life, or at least those stories that are printable. (and maybe a few that are not time will tell.)

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