Thursday, January 19, 2006
Twinkie January 19, 2006
Today she was telling us about the new feral cats she has aquired and wanting an option other than animal control, so I tried to find her some alternatives to try. Then things went to the past and other neighbors. She confuses two of the daughters of some folks who lived on the corner. In her attempt to idenitify the one she was speaking of she said "she was twinkie for years" There was a short silence where my Dad said, I think she said twinkie to which she replied I did. She then said but that was at Disneyland.
After a moment when no one quite knew how to respond I asked if she perhaps meant tinker bell? Sure enough that was who she meant. She said something later about being close enough as I figured it out to which I replied.. It was a reach actually.
It now occurs to me that this neighbor is a twinkie, and that I probably know a few folks I would give this newly adopted designation to.