I have three photos/ digital images that are entered into a contest that is vote based. It is for skin designs for laptops. I entered relatively late so have some catching up to do if there is any hope of my having a good showing so I am asking my subscribers to vote for one or all of my images. (the deal says vote early vote often.) Here are the images, and if you click on the one you like it should take you to a page where you can then click on vote for this design. Then it gives you a box with some letters in it so you can copy them and prove you are a real human being.
So have a look, and if you are so moved, please place a vote for me ok?
Thanks so much
image 1

image 2

image 3

ok, on this last one they did not get it that I would place the picture the other direction on the laptop, but hey, it still is sort of interesting ?
Anyway, your vote and help in this competition is much appreciated.
# posted by Silvatungfox @ 4:52 PM