Saturday, November 04, 2006


Educate Yourself

There are apparently folks who read my blog as I get an occasional e-mail, some who say "That could never happen in America" , some saying "where do you get this stuff" and sometimes, "What can I do?|

Since there are so very many issues today, and the local newspapers are so frequently fascist run publications, you have to start educating yourself about new developments. One, but certainly not the only one source is magazines. A site I know of you the lowest subscription rates on many magazines that the publishers will allow so is a good place to start.

I am not saying just get news magazines, as much of what you need to keep up with won't make the news as it is being developed. Science magazines frequently will explain what is happening in the realm of RFID (radio frequency identification) which is so vital to keep up on in a world where incrementalism is sneaking up on taking your rights away.

Of course there are some good news magazines available at and since you can get the lowest rates on your subscriptions, it makes sense to use a source like this to round out your reading material.

Another source for news is from the travel magazines (also available at with a pretty good selection) as one of the most threatened freedoms is that of movement across borders. Travel magazines keep up on that stuff since their livelihood is dependant upon folks being able to travel without having to jump through hoops.

When you do your reading, do so with a critical eye. Many of the publications (like the science magazines) will talk in glowing terms about the ability to track packages, speed up crossing of borders by using the RFID systems.. which might make you thing what good ideas these are.

I have noticed in publications like the populist, that other writers from around the world have started (or perhaps are just continuing to) comparing the current US administration to Germany in the 1930's and to Hitler taking power.

Incrementalism is something Hitler used. There is a writer by the name of Ted Rall who starts out one such recent comparison with "Students of historical hysteria immediately saw 9/11 as America's version of the Reichstag Fire.Both incidents were organic acts of terrorism ..." He goes on about it being a popular misconception that the Nazis started the fire, but that their power hungry government seized upon it to justify their actions intended (and successful) crushing of dissidents and taking away the civil liberties of German citizens.

There were violations, blatant ones, of human rights violations, and many times the police stood and watched. (the death camps were not built until 1941. ) I am talking about the incremental taking away of civil liberties. People were detained, tortured and murdered breaking existing laws against racism, constitutional protections and anti religious discrimination laws. All this was happening before 1935 when Germany passed the Nuremberg laws which striped Jews of citizenship and banned them from marrying or dating non-Jews.

His article continues to point out that between 2001 and 2006 George W. Bush has worked tirelessly to eliminate American liberties and freedoms most of which have been common to all other civilized legal systems since the Magna Carta.

The world knows about Bush, the CIA, mercenary and military state terrorists kidnapping thousands of innocent people. They know about the secret prisons where these folks were held without any recourse, without any rights. Most of these folks were NEVER CHARGED with any crime. The government has admitted that fewer than ten of these people had actually done anything wrong.

There was a time this was illegal in the United States. (What? You thought that was illegal still?) Pre Bush the Republican controlled Supreme Court handed down many decisions ordering the White House to give those being held trials or let them go. That was back when there was still hope for the US to be a civilized nation.

In this country today, thanks to the "unhinged leader" and a "gullible passel of Republican senators" the Military Commissions Act 2006 makes imprisonment without due recourse, torture and yes even murder LEGAL IN THE UNITED STATES.

Our intentions matter little. Our next president may be far more diplomatic (may even be able to form whole sentences) when it comes right down to it, our laws now allow kidnapping, torture , murder and deny access to trials to detainees.

There was not defining moment or act that turned the Weiner Republic into the Third Reich. It was done with small incremental steps of taking away the freedoms and liberties of the people. There is not defining moment from a civilized democratic American government to The United Fascist States Of America... but it is happening every day in small ways.

Incrementalism is "the tendency of radical change to manifest itself in bits and pieces" If you want to make sure you don't wake up asking yourself, "How did we get here?" Then educating yourself on what is happening, keeping track of each and every move that is taking away your freedoms and rights is an American Imperative. It will not help that the rest of the world already sees it, if we do not see and try to change it now.

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