Sunday, December 31, 2006


Exciting New Products

For those of you who have been following my tirade about the government's disregard for privacy, you will be heartened to learn there are companies out there working on helping you keep your privacy in tact. One such outfit is selling wallets and passport cases that block RFID signals, so even if they put those nasty little chips inside your driver's license and your passport, you can foil them following you around from place to place. You also limit the possibilities of someone stealing your identity by having a receiver set up near where you must pass and grabbing your data. There is a link to this at

This is most likely a better solution than running around with your passport and drivers license wrapped up in tin foil, and hopefully more effective at blocking those trackers of your every move. I sort of equate it to the difference between being found carrying a credit card and a full set of lock picks.... the former is not considered something to be suspicious of, while the latter does cause some eyebrow raising even if you happen to be fully entitled to these tools because you are a locksmith. A regular looking wallet is not going to garner much attention, while unwrapping your id from tin foil is bound to cause some interest.

I am equally excited to see on the market an affordable way to plug into the sun to recharge your cell phone etc.. the solar backpack, also linked to Silvaspoon

While these backpacks are not cheap, they are decidedly liberating in that you won't ever be tied to a power outlet. Having a battery pack, they are not just useful when the sun is out as the battery pack will store the energy until you need it.

Both of the above items just went on my wish list for anyone interested in buying me anything, or the manufacturers if they want some field testing done. (after all, there is a gear review page I am affiliated with at Silvaspoon Bicycle Touring

You will also find gps systems, and if you wander around the site a bit, you can also find travel tips, cameras for sale and more.

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