Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Irresponsibility of the People
Bush keeps saying he still wants to "win" his war. Here is a problem. Lets forget for a moment that Bush is a war criminal. Lets forget all the past lies about weapons of mass destruction. Lets even put aside that the main difference between Bush and Hitler is that Hitler wasn't an idiot.
How do you make a terrorist? You kill family and friends. The front page of the New York Times this week showed an old woman carrying an automatic weapon. It was taken shortly before she did a suicide deal where she took out American troops. When I say an old woman, she was I think in her 80's although I could be wrong, she might have only been in her 60's. Still, when you think about terrorists, you usually do not think of old people. Why was she a terrorist? Americans killed her grandson. Probably killed others in her family as well, but she gave as her reason revenge for the taking of her grandson's life.
So the longer we keep killing people over there, the more terrorists we will be creating as pretty much everyone has relatives who love them. I do not think that impeaching Bush is enough anymore. I think the only way that these people will believe the United States wants peace is to charge Bush and his regime with the war crimes they are guilty of, and to put them on a very public trial.
The US media seems to censor or ignore entirely many of the stories that point towards the violations of US law by the current administration.
The United States has stopped being for democracy when they challenge the decisions of the people of another country when the people democratically elect their own government. This has been going on a very long time actually, the US was 100% behind the evil dictator in Chile.
Pinochet, the brute, proceeded to have his forces kill at least 3,000 Chileans and torture many thousands more. (Shamefully, The New York Times headlined its editorial on Pinochet’s death “The Dextrous Dictator.” That was in keeping with the Times’s headline on its obituary for Alfredo Stroessner of Paraguay, who died earlier this year. The Times called him “Colorful Dictator.”)
When Allende came to power, Henry Kissinger infamously said: “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist because of the irresponsibility of its own people.”
Now that the United States citizens are being ignored in their desire to see an end to the illegal Iraq war (Last time I looked the US congress had to declare war, not the president.) Now that the committee that was put together to give Bush a way out of that war, he is going to turn his back on their recommendations and get more and more young men killed in the process.
What will it take to get Bush and his cohorts out of office and into court? How long will the American people buy into more and more lies? How many more young soldiers must die before we rise up as a people and take down the current American dictator and try him for his war crimes? How long will the American people continue to be irresponsible? ( Bush was elected for a second term, that was pretty irresponsible)